Thursday 12 February 2015

30 Before 30 - I Made Fresh Pasta

Well Noobs, my 30 before 30 list had taken a bit of a backseat recently in favour of personal style and  tutorials - but I'm back on track and have another task to check off.  This past weekend, I had a chance to spend the day with my lovely mother and together we made fresh, homemade pasta completely from scratch!

My mother is a trained chef, and always creates some of the best food I've ever tasted - I'm serious, I've traveled the world and I have yet to taste a dish better than something my mom will whip up for a regular Sunday dinner.  She assured me that making fresh pasta was easy, and I was reluctant to believe her.  Once we got started into the pasta making process, she was right - fresh pasta is pretty simple to make, especially if you have a stand mixer and the right attachments.  Creating pasta from scratch is time consuming though, a far cry from my usual kitchen habits of turning pretty much anything into a stir fry in less than 15 minutes.

I have to say that the extra time and effort in the kitchen was completely worth it.  Our pasta tasted incredible, and the dining experience was made even sweeter knowing that I had a hand in creating it.  Another testament to the fact that you always get what you put into things.  I would like to start slowing things down a bit and start to take pleasure in cooking, instead of just quickly throwing something together for a quick meal - it really is satisfying.  On top of everything, I just had a great time making fresh pasta with my mom.  It's safe to say that this venture has gotten me re-motived to tackle the rest of my 30 before 30 list and I can't wait to see where the next task takes me.

xoxo Joëlle


  1. This is something I have been too intimidated to do in the past! Looks delish!
    xx gabriella

    1. I was super intimidated to make pasta from scratch as well, but once I got going it wasn't hard at all - just time consuming! I'm looking to make ravioli next!

  2. Oh my gosh I am very impressed it's something I have always wanted to try to make , am waiting to get a pastel coloured kitchen aid though xxx

    Blonde Of Carbs

    1. Try it out Jessica! I have a pastel blue stand mixer and I love it - I just need to start using it more!

  3. You did it! I've made homemade gnocchi before and it always taste better than anything else cause you know you made it! You saved me some leftovers right? ;)

    Kris | Love. Loft. Life.

    1. OHHHH gnocchi sounds delicious! I tried my hardest to save some for you, but the glutton in me one over - it's all gone!


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