Thursday 6 June 2019

30 Weeks Pregnant Update - 3rd Trimester

I can't even believe that I'm just passing 30 weeks of pregnancy, and am well into my third trimester. They really aren't kidding around when they say that time flies - and our baby isn't even here yet! I can just imagine how quick time will speed by when we meet Baby C earth side; a reminder to myself to really soak in the baby time because it will all pass by in the blink of an eye!

So how am I feeling now that I've hit the home stretch? Honestly I feel like everyday I'm on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. We're mostly getting excited to meet Baby C, but with anxiety because I feel as though we still have so much to do and prepare! Add in the physical symptoms of the 3rd trimester and some days it's a big 'ol mess, haha! I don't want to complain too much though; other than my not-so-perfect hospitalization in my second trimester, this pregnancy has been pretty incredible. I talk to other women who definitely had a much harder time than I, and it always makes me grateful for my experience.

That being said, I swear that the moment the third trimester arrives I noticed a huge shift in how I was feeling - both physically and mentally. Now I understand why they call the second trimester the honeymoon phase! Here's a quick breakdown of the last stretch of my pregnancy; from physical changes to my moods, cravings and everything in between.

How I'm Feeling Physically

Everyone warned me that the third trimester may be the hardest, and as always I brushed it off as probably not happening to me. Boy was I wrong. Although I'm grateful for still being able to function fairly normally everyday, there's definitely some strong physical symptoms that seemed to come out of nowhere the second I hit my 3rd trimester.

  • Exhaustion: OMG, the exhaustion is so real! It honestly felt like the first trimester all over again, where you get so tired during the day that you can barely keep your eyes open. I've never really been one for naps, and there are some days that my body will actually just stop until I lay down and sleep for a couple of hours. It's really been something else, and has forced me to really slow down. Not that I'm complaining - I know I'll miss all of this sleep once baby arrives!

  • Swelling: I've noticed that my body now tends to get extremely swollen when I overdo it on physical activity - and by overdo, I mean walking more than 4 blocks at a time! My feet have been the most prone to swelling and now that it's nice enough to wear skirts and dresses again, I'm not wearing my compression socks as much as I should. Mental note to myself to start back on them - they really help!

  • Aches and Pains: As with suddenly gaining 20+ pounds, my body has been adjusting with dull aches and pains that manifest throughout the day. Mostly in my back, hips and feet, these pains are much more prominent now that I'm in my third trimester. Thankfully, between prenatal yoga, my chiropractor and prenatal massages I feel as though I've been managing the aches and pains extremely well! They say it takes a village to raise a child, and that definitely seems true, but I also believe that it takes a village to carry a child as well. I'm going to do a whole blog post on my prenatal team and how much they've helped me throughout this pregnancy.

  • Appetite: Whoa Sally, look out! This expectant mother can eat. Although I didn't have a huge appetite in the first and second trimester, I'm more than making up for it in my 3rd. People have been asking what I'm craving, and honestly I just love all food at this point. I have noticed that my spice tolerance has gone way down though and anything spicy seems to upset my stomach; something that never happened to me before becoming pregnant. I'm curious to see if I'll be able to eat spicy food again once baby arrives.

How I'm Feeling Mentally

One huge shift I've noticed in my mental health is that the anxiety I experienced in my first trimester has started to come back, although thankfully it hasn't been as bad this time around. It may be because I've developed some different coping mechanisms and have more of a routine that incorporates my pregnancy, but my anxiety hasn't been nearly as bad. I mostly feel anxious about how much we still need to do to prepare for baby and I just don't feel like we're ready yet.

Thankfully I have some coping methods that have really been helping me. I take a prenatal yoga class 2-3 times a week and it's been beautiful. I've also swapped out my true crime podcasts to listen instead to music that makes me feel happy; Elton John, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles. Basically all classic rock, all the time! The weather has also improved and we're seeing the sun more in Toronto; that alone has been a huge help.

What's Left On The Agenda?

  • Birthing Classes: I went back and fourth as to weather or not I even wanted to do a birthing class, but I gave in and we're starting our classes next week with our midwives. If anything, I think that the class will help to alleviate some of the anxiety I feel about the birthing process and about being prepared in general. I also think that it's important Brian have someone other than me explain what birth may look like and his role in the whole thing. Overall, I'm optimistic that this will be a good decision!

  • Nursery: Another huge source of anxiety for me, we still have yet to complete (or even start) our nursery! Thankfully we have all of the furniture picked out, and a date set for Brian and my dad to convert our condo's den into a tiny nursery. I honestly feel like I'll be so relieved once this happens.

  • Travel? I feel so lucky to have done as much travel as I have during this pregnancy. That being said, although my midwife has given me clearance to fly until 32 weeks, I think we're officially staying grounded until baby arrives. I would still love to sneak in a road trip or two, and of course lots of cottage visits. It honestly feels nice to know that there's no big trips on the horizon and we can focus all of our energy on baby.

  • Name: I'm happy to say that after many battles lengthy discussions, Brian and I have finally settled on a name that we're both happy with. I have to say, you really don't realize how many people you have disliked in your life until you start the process of naming a child LOL. That being said, we won't be sharing our name until the baby arrives.

So that's it! Now it's just time to enjoy the nesting phase and this last season of life as a family of two (and Fritz.)

What do you guys think? How was your third trimester? Did you find that your pregnancy went by in the blink of an eye? Let me know!

xo Joëlle

Photos by the mega-talented Raeleen Giffin 
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