Monday 13 May 2019

Tips For Flying Comfortably While Pregnant

Travel is so important to me. I still get a kick out of getting on a plane and being able to land in a totally different part of the world than where you started. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I will admit that I did momentarily consider that I may have to put my upcoming travel plans on-hold. After all, this is my first pregnancy and I honestly had no idea what to expect. What if I was feeling too sick to fly? Can you even fly comfortably as a pregnant woman?

It turns out, all that worrying was for nothing because I was lucky enough to be able to enjoy some amazing trips during my pregnancy. From Disneyland to Los Angeles, Philadelphia, a quick trip to NYC and a trip to Charleston - I feel very lucky to have been able to still keep up with traveling while carrying a baby.

That being said, there are definitely a few tips, tricks and lessons that I've picked up along the way in order to stay comfortable while flying while pregnant. Just a few simply things that can make or break a flight being comfortable, accommodate your changing body and anticipate any of the annoyances that come along with air travel that become HUGE inconveniences when pregnant. Here's what I've learned:

Eat A Large Meal Prior to Boarding

I cannot stress this enough. For some reason, all of my flights this year have had a larger-than-normal amount of turbulence. Turbulence on a plane is irritating on a good day, but when you're pregnant and potentially dealing with stomach/nausea issues it can be brutal. I've found that making sure that I'm comfortably full before boarding a plane helps to keep any nausea from turbulence at bay. I've even gone so far as to order food on the plane, which I typically never do. I've also found that being comfortably full helps to settle your stomach during takeoff and landing - something I never had a problem with prior to flying pregnant. Whatever the case, just make sure that you eat a proper meal before boarding; it makes a world of a difference.

Pack Lots Of Snacks

On the same note of making sure to eat before boarding a plane, I've also found that over-packing on snacks can be really helpful. We all know that air travel can be unpredictable, and the chances of your itinerary not going according to plan are high. Making sure that you're stocked up with lots of snacks (and a refillable water bottle) in case your flight takes longer than anticipated. When I was flying home from Philadelphia, our plane was stuck on the runway for almost three hours waiting in a massive line to de-ice. Thankfully, I had a backpack full of snacks and it made the wait much more tolerable - especially with a tiny baby doing somersaults in my belly! Snacks are always important with air travel, but become a lifeline when flying while pregnant. Bring more than you think  - trust me, they will get eaten!

Stay Hydrated

Okay, I promise that this is my last food and drink related tip but it's honestly the most important one: stay hydrated. Drink water - more than you think. Instead of relying on the flight attendants to start beverage services, bring a large refillable water bottle and don't be afraid to visit the flight attendant's station in the back of the plane to ask for refills. It may mean more bathroom brakes, but it also helps to improve your comfort and reduce the swelling that comes along with air travel.

Choose An Aisle Seat

I love a window seat, but when flying while pregnant I've learned to change my preferences to the aisle seat. Not only do you have a bit more room to stretch out, but it's also imperative for making a quick getaway for the washroom - you're going to need it after drinking all that water! 

Travel With Your Medical Documents

This tip is definitely the most doomsday of them all, but I'm a firm believer in better being safe than sorry. For every one of my trips, I've gotten copies of my medical documents from my midwives and keep them close to me at all times - just in case. Any document that has your blood type, how far along you are, any medications that you're on or have been on during your pregnancy, any allergies etc. It's good to have this information on-hand should you need to visit a hospital, or need medical supervision in-flight.

Let Everyone Know That You're Pregnant

Listen, I'm all for being discreet and not having a fuss made over me but I totally change my tune when I'm flying while pregnant. I let the airlines attendants know that I'm pregnant in hopes of getting a better seat (it works,) the flight attendants know so they understand why I'm always requesting water and going to the bathroom - heck, I've even told the man making my breakfast sandwich at the airport in hopes of getting more bacon added (that worked too!) Don't be shy and let people know.

Other than these tips, here are a few quick things to keep in mind in order to help make your flight that much more comfortable while pregnant:

  • Get up and walk every hour or two to help with the circulation in your legs
  • Wear compression socks for longer flights
  • Wear comfortable clothes and dress in layers
  • Opt for a backpack as your personal item to help distribute the weight
  • Ask for assistance when dealing with the overhead bin
The thought of flying while pregnant can be daunting, especially if it's your first time. But with a few small steps and considerations, it can be an enjoyable experience!

What do you think? Have you ever flown while pregnant? What are some of your best tips for staying comfortable with air travel?  Let me know!

xo Joëlle

DISCLAIMER: I'm lucky enough to have felt relatively well during the course of my pregnancy and have flown with my midwives knowledge and blessings. Always speak to your doctor/midwife before planning a trip involving air travel.

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